Tuesday, September 8, 2009

So, we did a couple of stupid things this weekend.

We went camping this past weekend with some friends up in the Uinta Mountains. However, that is NOT what falls into the stupid category. We had a grand time. It was our lack of preparation that falls into the stupid category. Tom forgot a jacket and pants to change into. I forgot long johns. We forgot our pillows. We had no sleeping bags and only brought three blankets. I forgot that everyone was in charge of their own dinners, and on the way there we had to make an emergency stop at Smiths and pick up our supplies. Oh, and let us flash forward to when we arrived home—we walked through the door to find that I had forgotten to put away the bag of ice that I'd used to pack the cooler, and a large and ruinous puddle had formed itself atop our counter.

Perhaps our hearts just weren't in it? On the contrary, in fact. We even had a sparkly new tent to debut. The only thing that I can really attribute to our careless oversights is, well, stupidity.

And as I said, we had a grand time. We engaged in a bit of a storytelling festival of our own, which I'm quite sure rivaled the local so-called "professionals" at Timpanogas Park. And whistling obscure 80's songs (and much, much more) made for hours of entertainment. We even discussed several ways to fend off bears should the need arise (for instance—did you know that tickling a bear with a feather breaks the barrier between a wild, ferocious beast and its would-be tasty human foe?).

Tom was especially in his element. He loves to soak in the mountain air and be surrounded by nature. I too, felt the effects of being surrounded by nature. Here's a sample of how our night went:

{some point in time in the middle of the night}
Season whispers: Tom...did you hear that?
Tom mumbles: mmm-hmmm. It's just someone snoring.
Season, skeptical: You sure?
Tom: mmm-hmmm.

{a short while later}
Season whispers: What's that?
Tom: Just someone unzipping their tent.
Season, only partially satisfied: Okay.....

{another short while later}
Season, grimacing: Tom? I need to go to the bathroom.
{a near half-hour debate on whether I'm actually capable of using the "tree" technique in order to relieve myself ensues. In the end it was settled that we would walk the sort-of short distance to the stinky latrines.} {isn't Tom such a guy for agreeing to accompany me to protect me from anything that moves??}

{a short while later, upon returning from the latrines, Season loses all reason and is attacked with a giggling fit. Tom tries to quiet her so as not to wake the whole camp site.}

{another short while later}
Season, wide awake: What is that??
Tom: It's just a dog. It's probably just excited because it saw a squirrel. And it's probably tied up, so it can't chase it, and that's making it even more riled up.
Season, silently to herself: Uh-huh, Tom. That's a nice story.
{turns out they were coyotes}

{a short while later again}
Tom: I think I'll go get the fire started.
Season: But it's still pitch dark outside.
Tom, after a pause: Yeah, I guess you're right.

The end.
We took a beautiful nap later when we arrived home.
Here's a few more pictures of the beautiful Uinta scenery, along with the humans who camped there.


Chemene said...

So...what did you pack? JK. It sounds like a great camping trip even with all the forgotten items. You and Tom seem like you have so much fun together.

Shelly said...

I'm impressed that you were up to camping, Seas. Glad you guys had a good time. I miss camping in the Rockys.

Mad Hadder said...

Rockies. Tom, you would NOT be perched on that precipice above the waterfall if you were reading the book I am--Death in the Grand Canyon!!!!!! Omigoodness... How ever did you find matching GEEK glasses????

thekerrclan said...

Ahhh....I remember when we used to camp...back in the day...before it became WAY TOO MUCH WORK! Have I ever told you the story of the flying squirrel...it would rival your coyotes for sure. Quite frankly, that is about the last time I remember camping. We might try it in our backyard...next year.

Tracy Giles said...

You are definitely the perfect people to go camping with because funny things happen when you're around :) I mean that as a compliment.

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