Saturday, April 30, 2011

April exits stage right.

Am I the only one that feels like this week took a whole month to get through? It's not like this week has been extra rough or extra busy or extra anything. Just extra long, is all. It's a funny little thing, that time thing. Read on for a fascinating and enlightening look at the week of the Giles family:

• Tom finished his first semester at UVU. There was a big to-do about it on his blog, as he debuted his 1 minute and 42 second film about Geoffrey that he's been working on for months. Most of our dear friends and fam have already watched it, but just in case you missed it—I'm being a darling and providing it for you right here.

I dare say this short film might get us (er...him) even closer to Pixar than that magnificent character photoshoot we did way back in the day when we were frivolous newlyweds with no real direction in life. Nostalgic sigh. (One of my favorite blog posts, I might add) And shucks, good ol' Tom Thomas gave me a special thanks at the end—did you see it, did you see it? I think it's because I would throw in my two cents whenever I got the chance. Plus, I went to bed by myself a lot these past few months while Tom would stay up all hours of the night working. I tap out by 11:30. Sharp. (Or that's the goal, at least.)

Now you're starting to see why this week felt like a month? Because ten minutes later I'm still on the first bullet point. Anyway, moving on. Also this week:

• We paid off our car! (This is me doin' a hoedown.)
• Clara had her one year check up and got a bunch of shots. And then she got to enjoy her first sucker (as promised 8 months ago) (she ate half the stick too) (next time I will remember to request a non-blue sucker) (I believe that's all the asides I need for now) (For now, at least).
• Clara felt miserable the day following the shots and ached with a fever all day. To add insult to injury, she's got tooth number 5 and 6 dilly dallying at the surface of her gums but neither will commit to just come out, the little nincomtooths. (bahahaha! Seriously, go ahead and laugh. You know you want to.) This could be part of why the week has felt extra long.
• I guess since she turned one, Clara feels like the time is now right to explode with a whole bunch of new developments. It's been quite amazing to notice the handful of new tricks she's started doing just this week as opposed to last week. She's started to dance to music; she now puts things inside buckets or boxes whereas before she would only remove items; she gave me a kiss today (hooray!); she knows all the lyrics to Wham songs (Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go...Careless Whisper...Last Christmas....and that about wraps up the Wham repertoire); but her favorite new practice is that she'll hand us things. You know, that game where they hand you something, you say thanks, they hand you something else, you say thanks, they hand you leftover food that's been chillin' in their cheeks since lunch time, and you say thanks? Yeah, we play that game now. I've been waiting and waiting for her to start this game but before now she's always been much too attached to anything she's holding to actually offer it to someone else. Go little miss, go!

Well, that's all, really. I wasn't kidding when I said there was nothing extraordinary about our week.
But hey, at least I blogged. Right?

For all you Wham fans. (Like Clara.) Thank me later! I'm voting that we round up some outfits like these and perform this at the next family reunion. Tace? Mitz? .....Tracy? Shelly? Who's with me? I've already got a fog machine so we'd just need to get our hands on a black light and glow-in-the-dark lipstick. Plus, we can use our make-shift saxophone. We're set!

(Maybe next time I'll treat with Careless Whisper)


Kacy said...

Love it! But only if it a Giles Family Reunion and I'm invited! :)

Mad Hadder said...

Great post! But wait!! You have a fog machine????? I looked all over heck and high water for one of those a few months back! How come this has never come up????? Wham? Really?? Never heard of them. The guys' shorts are over the top. And those white No blue-mouthed Clara shots?

kittens said...

Oh boy. I love Wham. My fav 80's song is Careless Whisper. Youtube sexy sax man. It's HI-larious. Clara has good taste.

Mitzi said...

I'm all for it... I pretty much rock at this song on Just Dance 2. My only request... That I get to wear a "Choose Life" shirt. :)

rachel said...

Season, that is too funny! I am dying! Thanks for a good laugh.

thekerrclan said...

YES...the boys in those shorts. OH my.

Shelly said...

You're on. But only if I get to wear the mullet hat. I know it may be a guy hat but the whole sex distinction in this video is a little fuzzy anyway.

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