Sunday, May 29, 2011

Raise your hand

If you've ever tried mutating your chin and neck into one.


Oh come on—Tom and I cannot be the only ones.

Tom's really blows mine out of the water, wouldn't you agree? Very Gilly-like.

Perhaps it's not so odd that we do such things, but that we take dozens of pictures while we do it? Raise your hand if you do that. Don't be shy. We're all friends here.

By this point I was laughing so intensely that tears were careening down my face. Remember back in the good ol' days when I used to go on and on about the wheeze laugh? That's basically the face that went along with it.

I know what you're thinking. We're probably one of the most attractive couples out there.

(Our celebrity name is Seamoss.)

P.S. Recently read that Gilly is retiring. (Penelope too). I never cared for Gilly. There, it's out in the open. 
But at least it's not Junice and her creepy doll hands.


Tom Giles said...

That's it! Your blogging privileges have been suspended for 2 months.

This must have been photoshopped. I'm actually not that ugly in real life... am I?

Shelly said...

Hey, I do a pretty good one of those myself! My nice husband posted it for ALL the world to see. I feel your pain, Tom.

Season said...

Hey now, hey now. Tom makes a combination of these faces at least daily for anyone to see—they're nothing new. Plus, he's as cute as a button. And we all know the hideous one in these pictures is ME.

Meredith said...

Oh my goodness! Best post EVER. Thank you for that!

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