Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Don't look now, but there's about to be an ambush of pictures.

We've been out and about lately. To exotic places.

Don't worry! I have post cards.

Really, I don't know why there aren't more post cards of Vegas picturing just food. Because whenever I go to Vegas I pretty much just eat. The entire time.  We spent our 4th of July there with my family, eating. And a few other things, but mostly eating. But anyway, on to the ambush.

If you ask me, which, technically you don't have a choice right now, it was a perfect vacation. Not too long, not too short. There was family togetherness galore—including newborn snuggle time with sweet little Hadley, shopping, a temple trip, and shoot—Tom and I even took advantage of the doting grandparents and took ourselves out on a date. I tell you what.

Once we got back home, we unpacked the car just to pack it right up again and head out some more.

That peculiar little creature is what we like to call an Alpaca. And you didn't believe me when I mentioned exotic. Three alpacas happen to take residence at Tom's mother's farm and this was our introductory meeting. (There used to be llamas too. But they got kicked out. Long story.) Actually, the real reason we came to Idaho was for a family reunion, but believe me—we did not tell the alpacas that.  Pictures? Sure. (I only took one picture at the family reunion. All the rest are of us hanging around the alpacas because we're all bff's now.)

Welp. That's the end, I guess.


P.S. Am I the only one who thinks that Alpacas look like they could be characters on Fraggle Rock?


beck said...

Fraggle Rock!! YES! HAHAHA! Looks like we just missed you guys, our Idaho trip ended when yours began! I want to meet that little Clara sometime! Food, family, and alpacas, can't go wrong there. :)

Shelly said...

I'm pretty sure Jim Henson patterned the fuzzy Fraggles after Alpacas. You nailed that one. Clara is getting sooo big and just so dang cute! You and Tom are some pretty awesome parents. She's a lucky girl.

Autumn said...

Season ... we have an interest in common! http://www.autumnhillalpacas.com/

Season said...

Why Autumn, I had no idea! :)

Mad Hadder said...

That henbane looks absolutely picturesque in the background, but Oh how I hate it!!!!!! Perhaps one of your readers will volunteer for alpaca beautification and show up with some scissors.

Courtney said...

The picture of the white alpaca looks like the picture that always used to be on our fridge.

Tacie Kerr said...

Lovin' the pictures. And weren't you a huge Fraggle Rock fan? Or was it Mitz? Or maybe no one? Probably, it was Josh.

Season said...

Tace—I do recall watching Fraggle Rock from time to time, but I'm pretty sure that wouldn't put me in the "die hard" category. And has Fraggle Rock really been around as long as Josh?

Marilyn—Tom and I had to google "henbane."

Kacy said...

Clara is soooo adorable!

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