Sunday, January 20, 2013

Maren meltables

Sundays, oh Sundays. Our church time switched to 1 p.m. at the new year, which makes for a loooong Sunday morning. Today, in an effort to make the morning move along a little bit faster, I made waffles. Making waffles is a big deal. I can count on three fingers how many times I've made waffles. But, alas, I've turned a new leaf since I've become an owner of a Blendtec. Isn't that quaint? Making waffles from a Blendtec? Anyway, once our waffles were happily settled in our stomachs and the whole kitchen was cleaned up, we still had another 3 hours to find something to do. But actually, I thought I would hate 1:00 church with all the hate I can possess, but it's turning out to not be so bad. For one, at least our little abode stays cleaner. For some reason—with 9 a.m. church my house was always the messiest on Sundays. It probably had something to do with rushing out the door to get there on time, and then rushing home to get to lunch and nap time. And then of course, 1:00 church definitely clashes with nap time, but since Clara's been running the underground nap resistance lately, I'd just as soon have the nursery leaders deal with her for 2 hours on a Sunday afternoon. I mean, it's not like she's cranky for them. She loves nursery with all the love she can possess. And since Maren has yet to learn the true meaning of crankiness, she's no problem at church either.

Speaking of Maren.

Maren warms my heart. I'm not usually one for gushing, but boy howdy this little sis makes me gush.

Maren makes anyone gush. Shucks, you should hear Clara talk to her. Her voice turns all sing-song and she calls her "sweetheart" and "sweetie" and tells her "I love you sooooo much" about 40 times a minute. I'd argue that it's the cutest thing in the world. And then, shoot, sometimes these two girls will just get to giggling their heads off together. Now THAT'S the cutest thing in the world. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, I believe it was inducted into the "Top 5 Cutest Sounds on the Planet" list. (Tom's impersonation of a ticklish camel got the boot.)

Well that's all, really. Waffles and Maren. The two things I really needed to get on the blog tonight. But in any case, Downton is on.



Kris said...

I can count on five fingers the number of times I have made waffles, but then, I don't have a Blendtec! I suppose Eggos don't count, huh? Thanks for the adorable pics...keep 'em coming. Hugs.....oxox

Kris said...

I forgot to say, "CUTE HAIR!!!!!"

Mad Hadder said...

She IS a gem, no contest. Get those giggles on video, girl!

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