This is a saxophone. Slash kazoo. Compliments of a Wendy's kids meal. It was left here on accident a few weeks ago when my family was here. One of my poor nieces or nephews is probably writhing with anguish over a misplaced saxophone/kazoo. However, the said anguishing child can take great comfort in knowing that their long lost saxophone/kazoo is getting put to much better use here than it would anywhere else on the planet. Because Tom Thomas just so happens to be the most talented saxophone/kazoo player in the world. You guys have got to hear him. I'm embarrassed to admit that I can't even get the stinkin' thing to make a sound. But Tom? He's got a gift. A gift, I say.
I've always thought that I handle stress pretty well. Along with that, I've always thought that I don't handle stress very well. Depends on the day, I guess. In any case, I think I may be suffering from "stressed-out new mom syndrome." It'd be nice to have a live-in pediatrician to tell me whether all the things Clara does is normal or not. Just to calm my nerves. It's nothing really to worry about—I'm pretty sure she's just being a normal baby—but ya never really know, ya know?
Would you like to hear how much of a rock star Rachel is?
Of course you would.
Reason 1: As an early b-day gift she gave me a gift card to the Imax theater—ironically for the price of a ticket for a Tom and Season. Movie of choice? Inception, naturally. Tom's only been waiting to see it for, oh I don't know, 14 years or so. He makes it a point to know about every good movie coming out before anyone else is even aware of them. He's the serious movie-blog type. Hence, it's killing him that everyone and their mom has already seen it.
And here's the icing on the birthday cake: Rachel's going to babysit Clara tomorrow so we can go see it. I told you she was a rock star.
She'll have to put her to bed. Since I'm suffering from S-ONMS (a real-life medical acronymn, mind you), I'll probably give her a long, drawn-out, step-by-step process on how I put Clara to bed. Like it's something super-duper difficult, or something. And I'll probably feel like a geek for doing so, but I know I won't be able to help it because I've got S-ONMS.
Reason 2: Rachel rocks the crafting world like Tom rocks the saxophone/kazoo. She recently started up a blog, Bayberry Creek Crafter, and this week has been hosting giveaways each day. Now, heaven knows that I'm not crafty, which is why I particularly benefit from those who are. And giveaways. This is what I'm hopin' to win. But of course, everyone and their mom is hoping to win it too—and now that I just told all of you about it my chances are even slimmer. (Not totally sure slimmer is a word but I'm gonna go with it.) Anyway, if you like scrapbooking and cardmaking, my company—rewind—the company that employs me, is giving away a selection of goodies on Friday. So be there. Don't worry, I don't plan to enter into that one, which is just one less person to worry about. A. I think there's probably some small print somewhere forbidding an employee from entering his or her company's giveaway. B. I really hate scrapbooking. (gasp!)
In recent weeks I've developed a thing for purple onions. Not by themselves, or anything, but....What? I warned you it could get random.
So I'll leave you with this to ponder: Is there a difference between a purple onion and a red onion?
You can look forward to:
...Well, I'm at least looking forward to it.
Seaz, you are my favorite. That picture of Tom playing the sax/kazoo is so hilarious! I want to hear it, and it does not suprise me one bit that he is good at it. Oh boy.
Also, I bet you are an EXCELLENT mama. Props to Rachel for giving you a night out. Try not to worry about Clara too much. I'm sure she'll be playing the sax/kazoo to her crib friends while pretending to snooze.
Seaz I feel so honored! Thank you. I am here in my office all by myself making a noise I can only describe as what comes out when you are trying to hold in a laugh. Clearly it is past my bed time. I would love to hear Tom's saxophone/kazoo skills.
I saw those saxazoo (or whatever they're called) in Wendy's. I was also in my pioneer garb and I stunk like I've never stunk before. Oh, we were just getting back from Trek. Thanks for the intro to Rachel's blog!
I don't think there is a difference! I know red/purple onions are meant to be eaten raw (like on a burger) and white onions are the ones you cook with. Other than that, I'm not sure what the differences are!
The following joke is for Tom . . . I have no idea if he (or you) has ever taken a Chemistry class before, but since you both come across as people who have a general knowledge of just about everything, you might understand.
Joke: A girl walked into a restaurant and ordered a burger. She said, "my burger will be free of charge, because I just want On-IONS." Get it? Get it? Cations . . . anions . . . onions . . . Am I sounding like more and more of a nerd as I type?
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