Sunday, January 30, 2011

Everything from funerals to Justin Bieber. Beat that.

Today we attended church, as is our usual Sunday ritual. Did you know that there are so many sweet little old people in my ward? It's like Tom and I have access to a couple dozen grandmas and grandpas at all times, which is fantastic—because grandmas and grandpas are awesome, as we all know. I've never been in a ward like this before—we ARE the definition to that cutesy "newly wed or nearly dead" phrase that Mormon folk like to giggle about, except that lately it doesn't seem nearly as giggle-worthy since just yesterday I spent a portion of my morning helping out in the kitchen for a funeral of a lady that I had visit taught. This funeral makes the fourth funeral our ward has had in less than (less than!) a month, and I've lost count of how many we've had in the past year. And the cute little old people attend all the funerals—that's just what they do. They all have their inside jokes about it too.

I'm in the stage where I attend wedding and baby showers for friends but eventually I'll be in the stage where I do the funeral thing. Isn't that so depressing? I know! And that's precisely why these cute little old grannies and grampsies amaze me to no end, because they stay so perky and happy even though so many of them are widows or widowers, live alone and get the chance every couple of weeks to get dressed up so they can go to a funeral. I think they're all hands-down fantastic (even if they do criticize my music leading). And boy howdy if they don't just fall all over themselves to say hello to Clara.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that someday when I'm nearly dead I hope that I can come up with a few decent wisecracks about funerals to make all my other friends (what's left of 'em) laugh.

In other news, in interest of the "Giles Germ Infestation 2011" that I've so diligently kept the blogdom updated on, you'll be pleased to know that I, Season, am sick. Again. Third time. At this rate, I'll never make it to the nearly dead, joke-about-funerals stage. Sweet niblets, this past week (month) has been long. (Aside: sweet niblets is from Hannah Montana. I really know how to make myself sound cool among the 12 and under crowd.) Earlier in the week, at precisely 7:00 in the morning, I made the executive decision that our family needed a vaporizer, since between the three of us we only seemed to have one functioning nostril. So I threw on some ugly boots and a dirty sweatshirt and headed for Walmart, in what became my earliest excursion to Walmart ever. (Along the way I almost ran out of gas and engaged in a bit of a panic because good grief when did that Sinclair on University Parkway disappear?) Anyway, as it turns out, it doesn't really matter what time of day you go to Walmart, there are always weirdos there and I was 100% one of them.

Speaking of the 12 and under crowd, today I had a lovely chat with my sister (why, it's her birthday of course!) and she was telling me all about the in-depth love her soon-to-be-twelve-year-old daughter has for Justin Bieber. Get this everyone. Justin Bieber has a line of nail polish. (Or maybe I'm the last one to know?) Anyway, in my sister's day everyone had the hots for Kirk Cameron. And it was Jonathan Taylor Thomas for my generation. And frankly I'd like to announce to all of blogdom that Justin Bieber really needs to step it up because he's got nothing on JTT. (I really know how to lose my cool status with the 12 and under crowd.)

Well now. How's that for an aimless, random and completely unimportant late-night Sunday post? And what's this? An aimless, random and unimportant late-night Sunday picture? Yes, please.


Tracy Giles said...

I know I've said this a million times, so here is one million and one - Clara has the coolest hair ever!
Sorry you guys are still sick. I'm hoping we don't get three rounds of it like you have. YIKES!
Growing up I had a huge poster of Michael J Fox on my wall. After that it was the New Kids on the Block - we don't even need to go there. Liking a boy band, any boy band, especially New Kids on the Block in Orange County was complete social suicide. It was never cool to like a boy band. That started my many years as a dork. I wonder if it's still that way in the OC.
Anyway, seeing pictures of Clara's hair always makes my day.
Oh, and there is a girl in my ward that is doing the 20 second fitness program. She loves it! Mitzi called me and I need to call her back.
Okay, I'm rambling now. Feel better soon!

Tracy Giles said...

And by the way, I think you have excellent music leading skills :)

Season said...

Tracy, I'm not sure what the OC's problem is—because I'm pretty sure it's STILL cool to like New Kids on the Block.

Tracy Giles said...

Thank you!! They came through Denver a couple of years ago on their reunion tour and I was actually tempted to go - that is when it hit me hard that I still must be a dork. You know what, I'm totally okay with it. LOL!

Mad Hadder said...

So T, S, and I must be too cool for school because we saw New Kids up close and personal in the Macy's parade back in the day! Are you sure Clara isn't lying in her bed doing her hair instead of napping? Nostril sharing....hmmm.

thekerrclan said...

I'm so glad you pointed out that "sweet niblets" is from Hannah Montana because as soon as I read it, I thought, "Holy Cow -- She is a Billy Ray Cyrus Fan. What is up with THAT? He is a far cry from JTT."
For the record -- we found some JB polish at Walmart today. All is right with the world. We've got our 3-D ($30) movie passes - complete with lanyard and purple glasses all set to go on Feb. 9th. What more could an almost-12-year-old girl want?
Oh -- and I showed her Johnny Rogers (from Mom's ward) You Tube video...she was casually interested in that blonde dude.
But, all hair aside...Clara clearly wins the prize. Seriously. Hers is AMAZING.
Hope you are feeling better. Or at least continuing to breathe. Try rubbing garlic on your feet.

Tom Giles said...

Rubbing garlic on your feet, huh? Well we already tried super glue-ing our hands together and hiding all the silverware. We'll try the garlic but if it doesn't work your going to have to supply us with a few more random nonsense remedies.

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