Saturday, November 13, 2010

California revisited. A.K.A. Meet the fam.

When we were in California in August with my family, we all took the time to tidy ourselves up, smooth out our hair and take a big family picture. My sister-in-law Rachel happens to be this fantastic photographer and she kindly took our pictures and then made us all look respectable with hours upon hours spent in Photoshop. She takes awesome pictures like these:

Anyway, meet Rachel.

Another thing you should know about my sister-in-law Rachel. She's pretty much fantastic at everything. I don't know anything that she's not fantastic in, or about, or with. She's a rockstar when it comes to cooking, playing the piano and sewing. Plus, In October she ran the St. George Marathon and qualified for the Boston Marathon next spring. And here's the real trick: she ran it with a DEAD ipod. Shoot—if I get to the gym and find that my ipod is dead, I call it a day and go right back home.

Anyway, meet my sibs.

Just as a point of reference, Linc is the one I can count on to text me in the middle of the night. Mitzi is another sewing rockstar in the family that made me Clara's car seat cover and nursing cover that I only used twice, I believe. (Sorry, Mitz!) Oh and she also does the bird laugh. Tacie is my tried and true most faithful blog commenter. And she also recently went to great lengths to try and win her daughter Justin Beiber tickets on the radio. Just thought I'd throw that out there. And let's see. Josh? He's the one who will never understand how some people don't appreciate bottle rockets as much as he does.

Another thing you should know about my brothers. They're big dufuses when they get together. I suspect this is a worldwide trait of brothers. However, I don't know if YOUR brothers do this, but every time these two get together they make sure to take an engagement photo. I have one from our wedding where Josh is sitting on Linc's lap.

Anyway, meet everyone.

Not bad, if you ask me. We're all looking (except Clara) and nobody's bawling. By next year this picture will be outdated, but what can ya do? Meet Emily.

Finally—I might be a bit biased—but isn't she just a beauty? I can't get over how little she looks here.

I had fun creating this post. And get this. In December we're taking a family picture with Tom's fam.
So then you'll get to meet them too.

Over and out.


thekerrclan said...

Agreed....on all assessments of talents and dufus brothers. Gotta love those engagement photos.

There -- just thought I would comment.

Stacie Couch said...

I love the family pictures! Rachel did a great job! I also love the sibling assessments. The engagement pic is hilarious, and I didn't know Emily was expecting! Congrats to her! I am so lucky to be related to this family :)

Jordan & Heather Wong said...

cute family pics..but what about some pics of u and the hubs and the baby?

Kris said...

We're getting to be quite a crew, aren't we? Fun times!

Mad Hadder said...

I could say something about Thomas' hair, but I won't. Nice nice family.

Anonymous said...

i like you. you're funny.

Tracy Giles said...

It turned out great! We have a lot to live up to :) I wish Rachel could come take our picture. She's awesome.

Season said...

Heather, we have some of just our family. But I reeeeeaaaallllly didn't like how my hair was looking that day. At all. So they're a no go.

And Libby? I liked you first.

That's all.

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