Monday, January 24, 2011

Settling in for round umpteen of cabin fever.

Once upon a time a few weeks ago Tom Thomas got a cold. Once he'd had his share of it, he offered it to me, and then after I'd rubbed shoulders with it I kindly handed it back to him. He returned the favor by giving it back to me and then I really spread the love and gave a portion back to Tom, and since I didn't want Clara to feel left out—I gave a big, hearty portion to her as well.

Anyone in need of a cold? We're happy to share.

Oh, and P.S. I sent that picture to Tom yesterday while he was at work and he told me that I look so mad I'm about to swear. Did you get that impression too? I assure you I wasn't angry, nor about to swear. Fun fact about Season: I don't swear. I'm not lying either! It's a quality I gained from my dad. Well, and my mom. (She only swears every other decade or so and it's usually provoked by a family pet. Like back in '93 when our now-deceased cat Wally brought a bird into the house that went hysterical in the kitchen and got feathers in our dinner. I distinctly remember hastening to my bedroom to wait out the battle taking place downstairs...) But back to the photo: Truth be told, I couldn't even tell if I was in this high-quality on-the-spot phone picture, so that's actually my fairly normal expression, albiet a tad grumpy since I didn't get a nap yesterday. And I'm glad I went to the effort to write this entire paragraph because I'd hate for everyone to go on thinking that this picture was snapped just seconds before a string of expletives left my mouth. But also as a result I'm now wondering if I should form a complex about the fact that apparently my "fairly normal expression" just so happens to look like I'm about to swear.

That's all I wanted to say, really. Well that, and also yesterday Clara sneezed and snotted all over me—including my hair—and I took it like a total champ because that's what motherdom has done to me. But I've actually had some practice in that arena because once back in '96 on the school bus a disgusting, revolting, hideous adolescent boy deposited a load of his disgusting, revolting, hideous adolescent phlegm into my frenchly braided hair. If it weren't for the fact that I was so grossed out I probably would have bawled my eyes out. (Seriously kids, I've got school bus horror stories a MILE long...)

And THAT is all I wanted to say. I hope someone out there somewhere enjoyed this spring-like January day. We just watched from out our window.


Shelly said...

Oh, cold, oh, cold, could you please go away. We don't want you, so stay away!

This must be some mutating virus you guys have that it keeps attacking your system. Better days are sure to come.

beck said...

Get Vitamin C. and LOTS of it! Hope you all feel better soon. And it's funny what motherhood does to us. Snot does not phase me in the slightest anymore. Not a bit.

Audra said...

Have I told you before that you crack me up? Seriously where did you get your sarcastic sense of humor? I want to grow up to be just like you!

It has been awhile since I stalked you and I had to catch-up on a whole boat load of posts. I can't comment on them all so here's a big-ol-comment from you favorite cousin ever!

Season said...

Aw, thanks Audra! Good to see you back on my blog!! And what are 2 days younger than me? :)

thekerrclan said...

Bummer Dude.
Wanna swap a headache for a cold? I've got myself some lovely new essential oils to try out around here.
It IS good that we come from a line of non-swearers though. I like that. And many other things about them. I think your picture is cute -- in a sad sort of way.
Hang in. Spring does come. And in case you don't believe me...start getting yourself an amaryllis every winter. It really helps.

Tracy Giles said...

No, you don't look like you are about to swear! At least that is my opinion. Poor Clara doesn't look like she feels very good. I miss her cute chubby cheeks.

Mad Hadder said...

We need to swap bus horror stories. I've always maintained that everything seedy and dispicable I learned on a bus! I only have ONE uplifting bus story. May you have a mucusless day.

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