Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A variety-show-type-thing

From Clara's bunny birthday party

Okay, first things first. Can someone tell me where to find some maternity shorts that will oblige my Mormon ways? (That's basically just a fancy way of asking where to find knee-length shorts.) We haven't even reached the throws of summer and I'm already sticky. (That's also a just a fancy way of saying I'm sweaty. And let's not leave out stinky.) I decree from here on out all our future children will be born in wintry months. Don't get me wrong—I've been loving our weather—but this little fetus o' mine is doing a number on my sweat glands.

Isn't fetus just the grossest word? Even more gross than me talking about sweating? I don't know who came up with the word, but who in their right mind would team up "fetus" with the cute little miracles that grow inside us? I vow to never refer to my unborn child as fetus again. The scientific term should have been snugglius. Or cutelbuns. Or something.

Speaking of which, we haven't been able to think of a name for little sis yet. So far the best we've come up with is Katniss. And I swear it's not because of Hunger Games. It's just that Tom and I have always really, really loved that name. So yeah. It's either that—or Rue. ...Maybe Prim?

And get this. We're moving in a week and a half and I haven't done a single thing as far as preparation goes. I'm wondering if I should be concerned? Actually! I take it back. I've been feverishly figuring out Clara's color scheme for her new room. It's taken so much of my time and energy that I can't really focus on something so trivial as packing. See, here's the skinny. I have an incredibly talented aunt who quilted the most adorable looking quilt I have ever seen for our little miss. I made the executive decision that it should be the focal point for her new room. I'm seriously serious friends—it's the most adorable looking quilt I've ever seen. But matching colors has proven to be much more difficult than I expected. For one, there's about a million fabrics included in the quilt. And for another, baby stores just don't seem to be catering to the types of colors in the quilt. Conundrum! But anywhosits. Today some curtains showed up in my mailbox and they seem like they're going to match. I'm as pleased as pink punch.

Since we're on the subject. Guess who turned the exact age of 2 today?

Wooooo-eee did I pull out all the stops for this one. Pancakes? Foam crowns? Check and check. I've been giddy for this day for weeks. And it turned out as dreamy as I've been dreaming. Clara was just the sweetest she could possibly be today. I think it was because she knows how rarely I make pancakes, so she knew somethin' special was a-brewin.'

Talkin' to dear ol Dad. What with Tom working two jobs and full-time school, we just don't see the guy all too often these days. But luckily he had some time to meet us for lunch at Which Wich—otherwise Clara wouldn't have seen him at all today. 'Tis a normal thing for a couple of days to go by before the two see each other. This is me shedding a cyber tear. And this is me not being sarcastic about that either.

Anyway, I took about a million pictures in total. And as much as I'd like to post them all, it's getting late and I've got a whole assemblage of pillows requesting my company. As the pregnancy progresses, I've been accumulating more and more pillows. I'm up to 4-5 per night, although I'm a ruthless thief and often steal Tom's in the middle of the night. I just can't really describe my love for pillows. You'll either get it or your won't. Moral of the story? Lock up your pillows if I come near. Nobody's are safe.

But I will leave the doting grandmothers and various other family members with one video I took from today. Clara received a doll care kit and she's trying it out for the first time. Please note that my favorite part is the nostril check at 1:50-1:55. She is mimicking me to a T.

Welp, that should do it. But do get back to me on the maternity shorts—if you're in the know.

Nighty-night, blogdom.


Stacie Couch said...

Happy Birthday to Clara! I can't believe she is 2 already. As far as maternity shorts go, I had the same problem last year. My longest pair came from JC Penney. I also found a pair or two at Old Navy online. I bought a size larger than normal, which helped with length issues as well as pregnancy weight gain :) I think next time I will just find a cheap pair of pants or capris and just hem them to my desired length. Good luck, I am short so I have an easier time finding long shorts than most.

Kelli said...

Ok I am going to try this comment one more time, after I sent it it said oops sorry. So lame. Anyways Happy Birthday to Clara! She is getting so big and is so cute. Pretty sad I still haven't met her. I was thinking on the shorts level, Khol's might have some, I know they have capris. Also the Motherhood store should have some, though they can be expensive. Good luck.

Kris said...

So cute! Glad Little Miss had a good day. Has Mom recovered yet? Wish I was there to help you with the packing! Love you.......

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