Friday, September 7, 2012

Allow me to introduce you to Maren. Again, that is.

We had an impromptu photo shoot yesterday, and I like the way they turned out. That one is definitely my favorite of the bunch. Maren is just a laid back, grinnin' little girl and this picture captures that perfectly.

Here are other faves.

Maren is all too willing to smile and put on the cute for everyone. I have a slight feeling that we might even get a laugh out of her sooner than her dear sister. I mean, just look at this girl. Happiness is radiating out of the computer screen.

Do let me know if you would like a copy of one of these to show up in your mailbox.

Happy weekend!

Oh, and one more. For good measure.

P.S. Here are the photos I took of Clara around the same age, for comparison.


Mad Hadder said...

Me! Me! Me!! I want one (or two or three) to show up in my mailbox!!!! She just exudes personality. I love her...

Audra said...

I cannot get over how much both girls look like you and your mom! So stinkin' cute! E-mail me your address so I can send some bows/headbands and other cuteness your way!

Taggart said...

Am I correct in assuming that there is a Thomas doing what he does best behind the photographer? I would like to see pictures of Thomas trying to make your kiddoes smile and laugh.

Shelly said...

Super duper cuteness!! We will take any and all you are sending out! Love them all.

Season said...

Tag, nope. Tom was at work when I took these. His skills will be most necessary once Maren become mobile. I, however, also happen to hold some pretty amazing skills to get smiles and laughs out of babies. But that's mostly a secret.

Kris said...

Send any and all my way....I can't get enough of those cute girls! Absolutely adorable!

Kris said...

Got our "official" announcement today and we love has an honorary position on the refrigerator now. Also loved all the other pics you sent. Thanks! I spoke with Mother last night. She had received hers, too, and she loved them, as well. She said to be sure to tell you thanks! xoxoxoxox

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