Friday, July 5, 2013

All out of Fourth of July

I fear that time has come: my dear little blog is becoming more like home videos of old, when you only pull it out for Christmas, birthdays—and the 4th of July. I'm still fighting that idea—however lately I often find myself short on time, energy, or brilliant and inspiring prose. (Actually, I was always short on that.)

Anyway, yesterday I even pulled out our camera for Pete's sake—which is also something that has been collecting dust more and more lately—ever since that day back in March when we purchased our iPhones. (A day of infamy, as our camera likes to describe it.)

So I'm here to document our 4th, so help me! (So help me!) I loooove the 4th, and really—who doesn't? This year we kept it low key and didn't go out of town to visit any family, which was sort of weird but also okay because we got to hang out with just ourselves, and we loooove just ourselves. And we played all day and boy howdy if we didn't just completely wear out these two lovely little girls.

We watched fireworks at the same park we went to three years ago when Clara was just a wee thing and we had a bunch of family in town. It's got a nice view of the Stadium of Fire's firework show, but while we waited we enjoyed dozens of other mini firework shows put on by the good citizens of Provo. I mean really, some people are willing to drop hundreds and hundreds for fireworks. As for me, I really pulled out the big guns with some year-old sparklers and pop-its that had been stuffed away in a cupboard. Clara was so eager to try out the sparklers that I finally caved and let her light a few before it was actually dark. Then our lighter ran out of fuel, and we couldn't light any once it was dark. Good thing no one puts me in charge of real firework shows.

So since the sparklers were a no-go, Clara kept us all occupied with her "Watch this!" routine. If you're unfamiliar with a 3-year-old "watch this" routine, it's where the said 3-year-old exclaims: "Watch this!" and then he or she proceeds to do the exact same "trick" at least 25-200 times in a row.

Anyway, before all this firework business, we enjoyed a picnic in the park and swimming at the Scera. It was a lovely day, to be sure.


Tracy Giles said...

They look so cute in red, white and blue! I remember that park :)

Mad Hadder said...

It IS a great holiday! Dress up, get out, light up some stuff!! Maren works that tongue, doesn't she?
Does she still like to pee? (rhyming words--3 points)

Kris said...

Oh thank you! You three girls are darling and Tom, well, he's Tom. I love the red, white, and blue on the girls....looks like some yummy dessert all patriotic, too. Fun day! Hugs.....

Audra said...

I hear ya about blogging! I let mine fall by the wayside and have just started picking it up again!

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