Thursday, May 30, 2013

A discourse on bladders.

If I had to do potty training over again, I think I just wouldn't do it at all—ever. (For Clara, guys. Sheesh.) I mean, everyone said that potty training would be worth it in the end, and I suppose everyone is right, because, well—it's totally worth it by, I don't know—adulthood. So let me start over. If I had to do potty training over again, I would have waited until Clara was like—10. 12? Around there seems doable.

And, if I had to give my honest thoughts about having a potty trained child, I would say IT'S THE WORST THING IN THE WORLD. I'm only being slightly dramatic too, with my all-caps usage. We can't go anywhere—anywhere—without having to visit a public bathroom at least 5 or 6 times. Shoot, back in the good ol' days of diaperhood we used to scurry around town all afternoon without any problem. But now all our little outings revolve around scurrying to find a bathroom, then scurrying to find a bathroom, then scurrying to find another bathroom because the first two attempts were either too scary, or false alarms, or just to check and see if there were automatic paper towel dispensers. And all of this is generally in a half-hour period. I've suddenly become the local expert in knowing the location of every single public restroom in Utah Valley.

It's getting old. Real fast. And it raises the question: Is this normal? I mean, I know Clara comes from a long line of itty-bitty-bladders. But for realsies, yo. I miss the days of letting a diaper soak up everything for hours on end with nary a change. (Okay, I kid. A little.) (Fine—sometimes I'd forget.) (It's not like it bothered her.)

And that's not even going into all the disgusting public restrooms we've had to brave. I mean, any rational human being ( that automatically excludes 3-year-olds) learns that public restrooms are only to be used in times of dire need. DIRE NEED.

Unfortunately, I can't back out now. She's been potty trained since March, so I don't think she'd take too kindly to settling back in diapers and then waiting for 7 more years before reuniting with her princess undies.

At least I'll know better with Maren.


Nicole said...

Haha. I shouldn't laugh cause that will be my life in about a year. But I can just see Clara now, checking out the paper towel situation or caving at the thought that its too scary. It's just too cute.

Kris said...

What do you mean "a long line of itty-bitty-bladders??" Absurd!! :)

Audra said...

Wait til you get a boy. I remember taking Kate to the Wal-mart bathroom and she would sit there and tell me her pee was gone. Such a pain.

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