Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Up to my elbows in catch-up.

Since I've last posted, I've—ooooh man. I've done, like, everything. Well, everything minus most of it. Anyway. Maren! She's nearly 9 1/2 months old and she's just decided to take up rolling. Can you believe her? It's taken nearly 9 1/2 months for her to realize that there's a world out there!

Maren loves to kick back with her feet up. She gets that from me. I loooove to put my feet up. In fact, if I could have my feet at an incline all day long I'd be at least 10% happier. Who knew that putting your feet up in random places could run in the family?

This was while we traipsed around at the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point. See pictures 2-4.

We drove up to Montpelier for Mother's Day weekend to hang out with Tom's parents. It was a glorious time. The only downside would have to be that Clara came down with a cold, and as a result talked with the most adoracute 3-year-old smoker voice I've ever heard, to date.

A trip to Grammy and Grandpa's isn't complete without a ride in their electric golf cart. We just ramble all over the place in this thing, kicking up Idaho dirt in our path.

And, oh! Good news. Tom and I are now up to speed in the art of alpaca wrangling. Check that off the bucket list! It's easy. The trick is to let everyone else do the work while taking pictures and shouting out tips and heartfelt praises.

Other than that it's been the usual around here. Marathons. Lavish dinner parties. Tap dancing.

You know.

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